Here are three more covers from Marvel with the caption of 2015. We have Age of Ultron Vs Marvel Zombies in the first image. The second image is Planet Hulk. The last one is Years of Future Past.

Yesterday, I ranted about Marvel having their new Secret Wars and then posting the image of the Civil War. I assumed they were adding another crossover. But these images hint at something different. Marvel is revealing images of some of their biggest and best known stories. My assumption has changed since yesterday. I am now assuming that Marvel’s New Secret Wars will somehow reach into many of their most famous storylines. It is a KOOL huge concept idea. I am really intriged with what they will do.

I can’t tell you if this is will work out and pay off for Marvel. I hope it does. I can tell you that I have been soured on big crossovers by Marvel and DC. But they have my attention and interest. I am excited about this.
Darn you Marvel! Just take my money. But you better deliver a great story with a solid ending. If you do, you may have won me back for your crossovers. If not, I will never trust you again.
Stay Geeky My Friends!