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Movie Short: Life (Sci Fi Mech Movie)

Movie Short: Life (Sci Fi Mech Movie)

Movie Short: Life (Sci Fi Mech Movie)
This Mech movie short is not what you expect at all.  The graphics and beautiful and I really enjoyed it.  The plot takes you somewhere you nver expected.  Check it out.  Life is by Pixelhunters on Vimeo.  (via Geek Tyrant)

Life is a battle of choices and roads to be taken. We choose our own paths, we mark our own map. Once choices have been made, actions play out. Consequences are delivered. And in the end, we live with those consequences.
But, the real struggle is making the choice to change how we take the roads untaken. Are we tough enough to decide for ourselves when the time comes?  (via Vimeo)

LIFE from Pixelhunters on Vimeo.


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