Zachary Levi is such an amazing choice for the new SHAZAM! movie. He brings that kid like joy to the role of a kid saying the magic word and becoming an adult superhero, SHAZAM (aka DC’s Captain Marvel).
I love love Levi as an actor since his first appearance on Chuck. Levi embraces the geeky side and the geek community. He alone would be reason enough for me to see this movie.
The DC Captain Marvel aka SHAZAM has been one of my favorite characters since I was a little kid. I watched the bad 70s live action Saturday Morning series, SHAZAM! and fell in love with the character. Later on it became an awesome (in my memory at least) cartoon.
In kindergarten, I took my towel and safety pin to school so I could yell SHAZAM on the playground and become Captain Marvel. I was a bit obsessed. I have no idea why I didn’t have many friends in grade school. Now Zachary Levi is living my dream on the big screen.
This trailer is chalked full of new footage. It doesn’t appear to give much away for the film’s plot. It does show us that this movie will be filled with a ton of humor and fun.
Stay Geeky!