My Buddy, Mr J. Christopher Wilson is reviewing some movies. He has agreed for us to post his reviews here.
SAMARITAN was not exactly what I thought it would be, but I liked it. The kid in me loved it. Had this come out in the 80s, it would have been a classic that I would have celebrated.
Years ago two twin brothers (Samaritan and Nemesis) were supers. They were strong, too strong, and their little town feared them. So much so that they set their family home on fire. The parents died but the super twins survived unscathed.From that experience one twin became the good guy and the other the bad guy. Each endured the same trauma but the event affected them differently.They grew up battling one another ending in a double death. Like Elvis, many people believed they lived and conspiracy theorists discuss the truth of their survival.One such theorist is a 13-year-old inner city hero-worshipper who sees evidence of Samaritan around every corner. Until one day he is trapped and beaten by a group of local teen gangsters and the garbage man saves him. He saves the boy too well and his real identity is discovered.This family friendly comic book hero style movie is both fun and a tad campy. But the camp fit well and I think made SAMARITAN a just right comic movie. It’s not Marvel nor DC characters and doesn’t follow eithers style. It’s more like a combo between the camp of DC’s SHAZAM and the style of M. Night Shyamalan’s UNBREAKABLE (if it were made for kids).
It didn’t get great reviews but I think that’s unfair. I think its style and twist, which I figured out early on, was right on for the type of movie this seeks to be. It’s like the GOONIES of superhero movies. It’s aimed at kids, teens, and families and I enjoyed it.
Grade B
Available on Netflix