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My Top Ten Unique Favorite Board/Card Games:

My Top Ten Unique Favorite Board/Card Games:

Something my hubby and I love is unique, nerdy, colorful board and card games.  We have introduced many of our friends, our families, and I my students to these wonderful entertaining bonding treasures.  I am proud of this fact and cherish all my game nights. 😉

Now, start your own and check out my list of these ten unique games I HIGHLY recommend.  All can be found on Amazon.  If there is a * behind it, that means the game is more mature (16+.)


My Top Ten Unique Favorite Board/Card Games:

  • Go Nuts for Donuts,
  • Sushi Go,
  • Crazy Cat Lady,
  • Zeus on the Loose,
  • Monster Mayhem,
  • Red Dragon Inn,*

  • What Do You Meme?,*

  • Taco Bell Frenzy,
  • Munchkin,
  • Ramen Fury.


Grab your loved ones and game on! Stay geeky! 🙂


Educator of young minds by day, super nerdy savior of justice, and cute things by night, Morgan Straughan Comnick has a love for turning the normal into something special without losing its essence. Morgan draws from real-life experiences and her ongoing imagination to spark her writing. In her spare time, she enjoys doing goofy voices, traveling to new worlds by turning pages, humming child-like songs, and forcing people to smile with her “bubbliness.” It is Morgan’s mission in life to spread the amazement of otaku/Japanese culture to the world and to stop bullying; she knows everyone shines brightly.

For more information about Morgan and her works, check out her website, which also has links to all her social medias: http://morganscomnick.com


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