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Never Take A Wookie’s Lightsaber

Image via dailymail.co.uk
Image via dailymail.co.uk

According to the Daily Mail, Peter Mayhew played Chewbacca in 4 Star Wars movies and one Holiday Special (Lucas wishes we would forget about that Holiday Special). The TSA (Transportation Security Administration) didn’t remember the rule to “let the Wookie win”. TSA confiscated Mr. Mayhew’s walking cane. His cane is designed to look like a lightsaber. They believed that his simple cane to be a weapon.

I understand the confusion. After all, they were afraid that he was a Sith Lord instead of a Wookie. He might threaten the crew or even cut the plane in half with this weapon from a more civilized time. I guess they missed the part where it is not a real lightsaber but rather a cane.

They weren’t counting on how this Wookie would strike back.  He took to Twitter and tweeted out to his 22,000 followers that TSA would not allow him through and he might miss his flight home after the Denver Comic Con.  He was flying American Air and they were quick to check on Mayhew.  The Force was strong with Mayhew, his tweets, and his followers. After TSA made sure it was not a weapon they finally gave Peter his walking cane back and he was able to make his flight home.  Later Mayhew tweeted out, “‘Magic words to TSA are not “please” or “thank you”… It’s “Twitter”.. cane released to go home.”  (Daily Mail)

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