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New “Pokemon Snap” 2021 Remake Trailer Revealed!

New “Pokemon Snap” 2021 Remake Trailer Revealed!

Pokemon nerds, rejoice! A new trailer for the highly anticipated “Pokemon Snap” 2021 remake for the Switch was uploaded today! As a Pokemon Master myself, I am pumped to relive my childhood in a new way!

This game looks like it is ready to bring on the epicness.  I saw Pokemon from all eight generations, interacting adorably or battling each other in the wild like before.  The settings were stunning.  Now, wait until the end for a, perhaps, giant, way to capture these beloved Pocket Monsters on film?! Nani?! 

The tentative release date is April 30th, according to Pokemon’s Post.

Here is the video here:



Educator of young minds by day, super nerdy savior of justice, and cute things by night, Morgan Straughan Comnick has a love for turning the normal into something special without losing its essence. Morgan draws from real-life experiences and her ongoing imagination to spark her writing. In her spare time, she enjoys doing goofy voices, traveling to new worlds by turning pages, humming child-like songs, and forcing people to smile with her “bubbliness.” It is Morgan’s mission in life to spread the amazement of otaku/Japanese culture to the world and to stop bullying; she knows everyone shines brightly.

For more information about Morgan and her works, check out her website, which also has links to all her social medias: http://morganscomnick.com

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