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New Star Wars TV Show may be Too Adult for Kids

According to Blastr, Star Wars: Underworld, the new proposed television series, may be too adult for kids.  The long time Lucas producer Rick McCallum stated that adult content is a bigger problem than the financial issues which have all but grounded this series.  50 hours of scripts have already been written.  McCallum compared this series to a “Deadwood” in Space.

Some of the allure of Star Wars has always been its family friendliness.  Except for Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, I have never hesitated to allow my kids to watch Star Wars. I was only 7 when I first viewed Star Wars: A New Hope.  I love the idea of telling great and new Star Wars stories but I hate to see it at the expense of these stories not being accessible to my kids.

The issue of the financing the series is a huge issue.  The estimated cost to bring this series to television would be around 5 to 6 million per episode to make this series bigger than any of the films. This will be a huge expense and a challenge to bring this series to production.

Financing a weekly Star Wars series will be a challenge.  But Rick McCallum is correct.  Star Wars: Underworld’s greatest challenge will be to balance being fresh and new and attempting to remain family friendly. Lets hope they can find a way to do both rather than making a Deadwood in Space.  I might find a Deadwood in Space interesting but it would be a disgrace if children cannot enjoy it a Star Wars weekly series with me.




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