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PACIFIC RIM Animated Series To Bridge Pacific Rim and Sequel


image from legendary.com
image from legendary.com

Collider recently interviewed Guillermo del Toro
.  During the interview Del Toro, spoke in detail about the recently announced Pacific Rim Animated Series.  He state the series will long arching series (not episodic in nature) and will bridge the story from the first movie to the second movie.  They are expecting 13 episodes in the first season.

Del Toro stated that they are in discussion with a few different Japanese animation companies.  Because of this, we an assume that this animated series will have a distinct Anime feel to it.  This does fit in with the ideas and concepts from the first movie.

The characters in the animated series will mostly be new characters.  There may be a few cameo appearances from characters in the movie.  They will have new Jaegers and Kaijus.

This is some fun and exciting news about the Pacific Rim Animated Series.  As a huge fan of the first movie, I can’t wait to get back into this universe.

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