Lynda Carter Talks Wonder Woman In Man Of Steel 2
Lynda Carter is Wonder Woman to me. I was a little kid when she was on television as the great Amazonian heroine. When I here Wonder Woman, I automatically picture
Lynda Carter is Wonder Woman to me. I was a little kid when she was on television as the great Amazonian heroine. When I here Wonder Woman, I automatically picture
Here is another trailer for the upcoming return of of 24. I loved Kiefer Sutherland as Jack Bauer from the very first episode back in 2001. This is the return
Here are some great images for the upcoming Marvel Movie, Guardians of the Galaxy. I thought Marvel was crazy when they decided to make this movie next. But the more
Caution: Do Not Watch This if You have seen Captain America: The Winter Soldier Here is a really cool behinds the scenes look at the changes for Marvel’s Agents of
Here is an interesting featurette for the upcoming movie, X-Men: Days of Future Past. I am very excited about this film. I am very hopeful that this movie will be
A brand new short from producer Bruce Timm featuring a lost tale from Batman’s past, the Dark Knight tracks a strange giant to the mysterious lair of Dr. Hugo Strange.
Here is the game trailer for the new Lego The Hobbit game. This looks like a ton of fun. The Lego games are always geeky and fun. When you add
Here is the newest movie trailer for the upcoming Marvel movie, Guardians of the Galaxy. This trailer has a new scene with Star Lord. It is pretty KOOL. After the
Cation: This Video Contains some Vulgar Language. Here is a new web series about Live Action Role Playing. LARPs is a fun look at the roll playing community. Stay Geeky
According to CBR, Robert Downey Jr celebrated his birthday last Friday by taking 20 kids out to the movies. He took them see the newly released Captain America: The Winter Solider.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Peter Mayhew will return to the next set of Star Wars sequels as Chewbacca. At this time, this announcement is unofficial and still a rumor. The article
Marvel + Nathan + Talking Racoon + Sentient Tree Thing + “Hooked on a Feeling” = GeekyKool Fun! If it really happens… What is this news that is sending waves
Not sure how I feel about the news that Universal is working on another reboot of Battlestar Galactica as a movie franchise. Originally lining up Bryan Singer, he of X-Men,
Here are the latest movie trailers for the upcoming Godzilla film. There is some interesting new footage in these trailers. It appears to show up glimpses of other Kaijus beyond
Here is the trailer for Season 4 of the HBO series, Game of Thrones. Season 4 premieres tonight on HBO. The trailer is safe for all ages but this series
Here is the the new promotional image from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. it is pretty KOOL. I can’t wait to see how the series changes with the fallout from Captain America:
Star Trek Renegades is an interesting continuation of the Star Trek Universe. It takes place in the original universe and not the J.J. Abrams rebooted universe. It has a greatly
The Bloomberg BusinessWeek has an interesting article with Kevin Feige, president of Marvel Studios. The article goes over the history of how and why Marvel created their own movie studios.
Geeky KOOL has been undergoing some changes on the back end. We have a new server and hosting service. In the change, we have lost all three posts from yesterday,
I have always enjoyed the character of Supergirl much more than Superman. She was a teenager that made many more mistakes than her older cousin. For a long time, she