Movie Trailer: MALEFICENT
Here is the trailer for Disney’s film about the villain. Maleficent is the evil witch from Sleeping Beauty. Angelina Jolie stars in this movie as the wicked Maleficent. Stay Geeky
Here is the trailer for Disney’s film about the villain. Maleficent is the evil witch from Sleeping Beauty. Angelina Jolie stars in this movie as the wicked Maleficent. Stay Geeky
Happy 80th Birthday to Tom Baker. He is best known for his portrayal of the 4th Doctor. He is the best known of the classic Doctors. His signature scarf is
Here is another fun episode of Ask the Doctor by Not Literally Production. You an get some advice from the Doctor about life. Stay Geeky My Friends!
Here is a great animated movie short. It is the Gentleman’s Duel. It is very Victorian but also steampunk. It gets to be a bit ridiculous but that is part
I love this clip of Wonder Woman in the upcoming DC Animated film Justice League: War. This is the type of Wonder Woman that we need to see in live
Lex Luthor and Captain Cold will replace their arch rivals Superman and Flash in Justice League #30. It appears that Luthor will become the new leader of the Justice League.
According to, the great female warrior of Asgard, Lady Sif will appear in an upcoming episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Jaimie Alexander will reprise her role as Lady Sif for
Who wouldn’t love to see this play out? I love this fun concept. I don’t know where this image originated from other than Facebook. If someone knows, please post a
Google is always innovating and creating new technology. They have created self driving cars, glasses with the internet, maps, Television, and much more. Now Google has created a game changing
Here is a KOOL animated short from classic Doctor Who. It is a part of the missing footage. Check out the information below from Youtube. The Moon, 2070. Having failed
Here is another great video from the Web Series How It Should Have Ended. This one focuses on the second Hobbit Movie, The Desolation of Smaug. This is a very
The BBC is going to release an e-book soon telling the “lost stories” of Trenzalore and the Doctor’s last days (at least #11’s last days), or is that years, you
Lindalee Rose is a 5 year old Whovian. She joins to Dan “Strax” Starkey in this reading of Romo and Juliet or WHO’liet . Lindalee does show her fun personality
I am not convinced that RoboCop remake will be a good movie. But this clip is really KOOL. I think I need to see this movie just in case. Stay
A few months ago, 5 year old Miles’ wish to be crime fight next to Batman came true. Miles became known as the BatKid. Here is video coverage of the
Here is a video game trailer like I haven’t seen in a long time. This is the trailer for the game, Broken Age. It is video drawn in 2D and
Fox announced exciting news about this summer’s television series, 24: Live Another Day. They added Chuck’s Yvonne Strahovski (Sarah on Chuck) to the cast. She will portray CIA Field Agent, Kate Morgan. (EW)
Today my friend Lindon pointed me to this link. It is almost 5 years old but I loved it. I hadn’t seen it before today. I knew that I had
This is the conclusion to this season’s wonderful western/ post-apocalyptic web series. Will this be a satisfying rap up? Who will live and who will die in this final episode of
Is there something more geeky than someone rapping about being a part of G.I. Joe’s Cobra? If there is something, I am not sure what it is. Check out this