Movie Trailer: 300: Rise of an Empire
I really enjoyed the first 300 movie. I am not convinced that I will love this movie but it is worth checking out. Stay Geeky My Friends!
I really enjoyed the first 300 movie. I am not convinced that I will love this movie but it is worth checking out. Stay Geeky My Friends!
Here is how a minion would sing “What Does the Fox Say”. It is very fun while being Geeky and KOOL. I love the minions from Despicable Me. Stay Geeky
According to DC Comics, Wonder Woman has officially been written into the Man of Steel sequel aka Superman VS Batman. Gal Gadot, of Fast and Furious fame, was cast as Wonder
Here is another KOOL episode of the Webseries: Steamworks & Shadows. This steampunk series is a set in Victorian times. Our friends at the Airship Vindus are protection at a
Do you have Facebook friends that you really don’t like? There is a new website Hate With Friends that might be what you are looking for. You can pick what
The Blues Brothers is a classic 80’s film. It is by far and away the best movie based off of a Saturday Night Live skit (and Wayne’s World is pretty
This is a teaser trailer for an upcoming Television series “The Strain”. Guillermo del Toro was one of the co-authors on the book series and appears to be involved with
Here is the movie poster for next year’s Amazing Spider-Man sequel. We can see three separate villains in this image. I am very excited to see Electro and the Rhino.
Our friends at Day 304 Productions have put out another great short film. This short movie brings back the villainous Salazar Strega from the hit web series, Dirigible Days. This
Here is a KOOL video that shows all of the doctors and clips from their regenerations. As we know, Matt Smith’s 12th (or 13th if you count the War Doctor)
“Heroes, Villains, and Me” is a periodic article on Geeky KOOL by Larry Litle about the world of comic books and my reaction to it. “Heroes, Villains, and Me” is not a comic
Here is a wonderful video from LorelaiMusic (Youtube channel). She plays the Guitar, Keyboard, flute, recorder, and sings in this video while cosplaying different Doctor Who Characters. She does all
Here is a movie version of the Biblical story of Noah. It appears to take a lot of liberties with the story but it look like a geeky disaster film.
The Powerpuff Girls are now 15 years old. It just seems like yesterday that they were premiering on the Cartoon Network. Three fantastically fun girl powered super heroes adventuring and
I am so excited for this movie. I can’t wait to see Smaug in his full glory. I love this clip showing Bilbo’s first interaction with Smaug.
I wasn’t convinced that a remake of 47 RONIN was a good idea. Wen I found out that Keanu Reeves would star in this movie, I rolled my eyes. But
This show looks really interesting. Is it a virus that is creating zombie like creatures? What is exactly going on? I guess we will have to check it out and
This is a classic video from the 70’s TV Series: WKRP IN Cincinnati. This is my favorite clip from WKRP. “Oh the humanity!” “As God as my witness, I thought
We at Geeky KOOL would like to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Hanukkah. May today be a wonderful day with family. We wish Safe travels to all that
The fine folks at are giving away a full sized Tardis. You read that correctly, A Full Sized Tardis. You have to go to their site and register for their raffle.