Meet Her Universe’s Fangirl of the Day: Valerie
Geeky KOOL’s own Valerie Bogert has been selected Fangirl of the Day @ Her Universe. Valerie’s husband, Brian , nominated Valerie as a Fangirl. Check out the fantastic post about Valerie on Her
Geeky KOOL’s own Valerie Bogert has been selected Fangirl of the Day @ Her Universe. Valerie’s husband, Brian , nominated Valerie as a Fangirl. Check out the fantastic post about Valerie on Her
As most of us have heard, this year is a unique holiday season. Hanukkah and Thanksgiving are on the same day. It is a rare occasion for these holidays to meet
Here is a Flash Mob in New York City. It is a Doctor Who themed Flash Mob. They are performing to the Rocky Horror Picture Show’s “Let’s Do the Time
Here is a fun animated video. What if the Hobbit was set in High School? Yes, you would have Mean Elves. I hope the CW doesn’t get a hold of
The BBC has posted this image of the Christmas Special 2013. It is titled: The Time of the Doctor! It appears we are in for the return of the Cybermen
What if Magneto was as the center of the JFK assassination? This video examines the evidence and the possible conspiracy. Could Magneto really get away with helping assassinate the President?
This web series always makes me laugh. This episode has a Timey Wimey special guest star in the BAMF Girls house. Even they are celebrating the 50th anniversary. It is
If you were as disappointed as I was with the lack of classic Doctors (except for Tom Baker), then you will love this video. This is hysterical stuff. Check out
Early into Season One, BBC’s Orphan Black quickly won me over. I am excited to see a promotion for Season Two. There doesn’t appear to be much new to this
This is very similar to Abbott and Costello’s “Who Is On First” routine. I laughed out loud when I watched this clip. I really like Will Ferrell’s Ron Burgundy character. I
In the continued celebration of Doctor Who’s Fifth Anniversary and Today’s “Day of the Doctor” special, the staff at Geeky KOOL has decided to add our own Favorite Doctor (from
The fine folks over at IGN had a poll to determine Who is the best Doctor. David Tennant won their poll by a landslide with 53.62% of the votes. Matt
Matt Smith is hanging out with 4 classic Doctors. This is pretty KOOL. I am still holding out hope that they maybe lied to us about the cast and these
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I love this picture. It is from the website: The Mega Picture. It proves that it is KOOL to be a geek no matter your gender. These young ladies appear
The Doubleclicks are a band, which often sings geeky song. The two ladies have several wonderful songs including Wonder and Nothing to Prove. Here is the last song about Agent Coulson.
There is another great episode of the animated web series Super Cafe from the creators of How It Should Have Ended. Super Cafe is always funny. This episode has a
The Princess Machine is a video from GoldieBlox. This video is about girls being able to play in any fashion they want. These three girls build a really KOOL devise
Geeky KOOL’s very own Jason York has created another fun video. It is Mobile Game Pain by Jason’s DreamLab Cinema. This is a fun video about playing video games and