Google I/O Keynote from day 1 has been posted! Get your’s here!
Google has posted the keynote from Day 1 of their I/O developers conference. Lots of goodies here about Jelly Bean, updated apps, and the Nexus 7 tablet.
Google has posted the keynote from Day 1 of their I/O developers conference. Lots of goodies here about Jelly Bean, updated apps, and the Nexus 7 tablet.
Rovio is following up their tremendous success with Angry Birds with a little game called “Amazing Alex”. Small preview below and more on I find that Angry Birds is
I continued to be amazed how Hollywood continues to remake every movie that previous had success. Here is another retread movie in Total Recall. But this trailer is making a believer out
Google had a great day yesterday with some very exciting announcements about Android, Google+, and many of their other products. They haven’t posted the full Day 1 Keynote yet but
According to Fox News, Spider-Man is about to get his first honest to goodness side kick. He has teamed up with a lot of big name heroes and rookie heroes
I am extremely excited to announce the addition of Valerie to our staff of writers and contributors. Valerie is working on her Masters in
This movie looks really interesting. I love a good time travel action movie. It looks like it might be a thinking movie along with the action. I am getting a
This was an image on Facebook that my friend Valerie had posted. Pretty awesome and definitely geeky kool. EDIT: 2-27-12 3:45 pm Check out the rest of Tamify’s art
The rumors have been swirling for weeks that Ryan Reynolds might be the new Conner MacLeod in the Highlander reboot. Tracking Board, a Hollywood Insider website, is reporting that the
The geeks over at Geek Tyrant have a great article: What Vampire Hunter Could Destroy Edward Cullen The Fastest- Infograph. It is a fun idea to show whichVampire Slayer could
Marvel often hints at upcoming events with images. These are fresh from the Marvel Website. It appears to be highlighting an upcoming event in October. The rumor around the web
Is anyone else having a difficult liking this version of Peter Parker? This clip highlights the jerk of Peter. I hope this is between getting his abilities and Uncle Ben
IO9 has a great roundup of Classic SciFi scenes created in Legos, but with the twist of using minimal bricks. Great stuff! Check out the expanded site these are taken
I’ll get my review of the season up soon but here’s a great take on why The Legend of Korra is one of the best cartoon on TV right now. Read
My family went to view the new Pixar movie, Brave, on Saturday. We have enjoyed all of the previous Pixar films. Would Pixar continue with another winning animated movie with
Check out the below news on the Walking Dead from TV Guide. They are reporting a major change in Carl, his personality, and his role with the rest of his
I am excited about this movie. The movies are as good if not better than the video games.
About the App: At the suggestion of my friend and Geeky KOOL contributor, Bryan, I loaded the Android App Flipboard (also for Apple Products–Apple’s iPad App of the Year in
I love good fan fiction. Star Wars has some of the best fan fiction videos out there. I.M.P.S. The Relentless (Imperial Military Personnel Stories) are stories of Troopers from
“Heroes, Villains, and Me” is a new weekly article on Geeky KOOL about the world of comic books and my reaction to it. “Heroes, Villains, and Me” is not a