Happy 99th Birthday PeterCushing
Peter Wilton Cushing (1913–1994) is best known in the geek community for his portrayal of of Grand Moff Tarkin in Star Wars. Prior to Star Wars, Mr. Cushing was known for
Peter Wilton Cushing (1913–1994) is best known in the geek community for his portrayal of of Grand Moff Tarkin in Star Wars. Prior to Star Wars, Mr. Cushing was known for
The Doctor has been an Olympic torch carrier (on the show) and has assisted other torch carriers. Now Matt (11th Doctor) Smith is a torch carrier. It looks like he
To bring Geek Pride Day (and Towel Day and The Glorious Twenty-Fifth of May) to an end, I wanted to share one last Star Wars Trailer. This is the original
Here is a link to the a fun Towel Day Quiz. I got 9 out of 10 and changed the answer I got wrong. I think both answers were
BecauseWeMay is a group of Independent Game devs that you probably haven’t heard of but you very well may know their games. And if you don’t know their games, you
Nuff Said!
This is a survey created by MODIS. They put it in a KOOL image file. I found it on Wired.com – GeekDad.
Here is another great fan video. Thanks to my friend Jeff for sending me the link. This video is “What if Princess Leia had been captured on a New York
As I have previous mentioned, today is the 35th Anniversary of Star Wars. We are celebrating it @ Geeky KOOL with fun Star Wars articles, videos, and links. But today
I wanted to post some special Star Wars stuff to celebrate 35 years of Star Wars today. I hope you enjoy the video below. I think it is an awesome
As we continue to celebrate 35 years of Star Wars, here is a great comic from Shoeboxblog.com. I love the crossover with Star Wars and Star Trek. I hope you
Check out this great new Script to Screen Short with Doctor Who. Here is the webpage. It is very Olympic centered mini with the Doctor, Amy, Weeping Angels, and a Torch Bearer.
This trailer has more Catwoman in it. There is a humorous clip of her at the end. Enjoy.
The GI Joe sequel, GI Joe: Retaliation, was scheduled to open June 29th of this year. It has now been pushed back to March 29, 2013. (according to Blastr) This
Here is another fun movie trailer for Dark Knight Rises. There is a few
This is a fun and geeky kool picture. It would only be better if it was Boba instead of Jango. Can you imagine the devastation these two would cause in a battle
Star Wars (aka “A New Hope” – as it became known later) premiered 35 Years ago on May 25th. I wanted to take a moment to recognize this great movie
I ran across an awesome guitar medley today of music from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and it reminded me of all the other great Zelda music remixes
ARS Technica is reporting here that Google was found to not be infringing on Oracle’s patents with Android. I’m no lawyer, and I don’t even play one on TV, but