Mac vs. PC: Which one should I buy?– Answered by Anotech Computers
GeekyKOOL’s own Jason York (our Technology Expert/Web Designer/Writer) has a great post, Mac vs. PC: Which one should I buy?. He breaks down the benefits of pros and cons of
GeekyKOOL’s own Jason York (our Technology Expert/Web Designer/Writer) has a great post, Mac vs. PC: Which one should I buy?. He breaks down the benefits of pros and cons of
Larry got me in a posting mood today! Check out this GeekyKool site with an interactive Wind Map of the US!
I was really disappointed when Batman:Brave and the Bold was cancelled. Hoping that this fills the gap! More info here on “Beware the Batman”!
I’m a big fan of the Dr. Whoniverse and spin-off Torchwood is a fun, if adult oriented, ride. Good news with Torchwood is better than bad news, I guess! Here’s
It is a good thing Batman is good friends with Commissioner Gordon. (Click on Title to open page with video).
The comic book world is buzzing about the movies for summer 2012. With the Avengers, Dark Knight Rises, and Amazing Spiderman, one can see why there is excitement. Because of
Here is the Latest Prometheus Trailer. This looks better and better.
First trailer for the Season Eight (New Series- not including the classic series). Rory and Amy will be in the first half of the season. The new companion, Jenna-Louise Coleman,
Over the weekend, my eleven year old daughter and I attended Planet Comicon in Kansas City. We meet a lot of great people and had several fun conversations. I hope
Dressing up in costume has become a regular part for many attending various comic book conventions. It is known as Cosplay (costume play) in most geeky circles. Planet Comicon was
As most Whovians already know, the Ponds, Amy and Rory, will be limited in their appearances in the upcoming 8th season (New series-doesn’t count the Classic seasons). Amy Pond has
I I was cynical about this movie. I know, I know, Johnny Depp is great in dark bizarre movies. But remakes of old TV shows do not often translate into
My Buddy Jason York pointed me to this video. It is very fun. Check it out. It is full of Lego fun and action.
Sunday had the season finale of the Walking Dead. I am going to review the season as a whole. As a fair warning, I am not a regular reader of
My 11 year old daughter is going to love this next show when it premieres next weekend. It may only be a short (not sure at this time) but my
I recently started my subscription to Netflix. (No I haven’t been living under a rock but I had an old TV- now I have a new 47”) As I was
Check out the latest. This prequel to Alien looks awesome! I love the first two Alien movies. If this lives up to half of my expectations, it will be an
Planet ComicCon is the comic book convention in Kansas City. It is Saturday March 24th from 10 AM to 7 PM and Sunday March 25th from 10 AM to 4
As a kid in the 1970’s, I was obsessed with Dinosaurs. I had a really cool dinosaur poster in my my room (which I recently found). My favorite Saturday Morning
I am looking forward to the latest Men In Black movie. Love the first two. Looks like a load of fun.