Matthew Broderick’s Day Off
This is the Matthew Broderick’s Day Off commercial that has the internet a buzz today. Honda has a hit on their hands. Could this lead to the much rumored and
This is the Matthew Broderick’s Day Off commercial that has the internet a buzz today. Honda has a hit on their hands. Could this lead to the much rumored and
I enjoy being challenged with what ifs from history. I love a good alternative history and the potential that it either could have been true or just maybe it did.Plot:Alcatraz
I really dig the SteamPunk look and feel to movies and art. I love the tech with the old time feel. I don’t have a collection of Nerf guns but
As a father of a 11 year old girl, I love this picture. I am all about girl power and even more so when it is geeky. This is what
Movie Trailer: The Hobbit Part 1 I love the whole Hobbit and Lord of the Rings book series. I read the Hobbit numerous times when I was younger. In fact,
Movie Trailer: Resident Evil 5: Retribution I saw this trailer before Underworld. Historically, video game movies are the worst. But the Resident Evil movies have been an exception. Alice, the
Here is a little geeky pleasure from my favorite decade. Enjoy a little Weird Al.
I love the first two Underworld movies. The third one (prequel) was good but not at the same level. Would this movie head back to the previous level or would
Comic Book Review:The Defenders I remember reading The Defenders back in the 1970s. It was always a fun but often bizarre ride. They were never the “IT” Team like the
Here is the trailer for the Amazing Spider-Man. I am excited about it. It is relaunch of the series (not Spidey 4). I like that he has Web shooters. His
Geeky Cool: DC Comics New Logo Last September, DC Comics did something controversial. They relaunched their whole universe (well sort of- not completely but mostly). Just after the hardcore DC
I saw the preview for this show on SyFy and thought it looked very cool. I love shows based around unique but attractive female leads. Would I dig this show
Star Trek’s Nichelle Nichols talks about her encounter with a fan- Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Listen to her explanation of what happened and how it changed her life. Happy
This movie looks really awesome. I love World War II movies and this will be a top notch one. The Tuskegee Airmen is a great bit of American History where
When I was a teenager, I was introduced into the imaginary world of Role Playing games. I actually had a copy of the Red Box set (above picture) when I
Marvel Comics are giving away free digital comic books to Veterans. Marvel Comics is teaming up with the with free annual subscriptions to the Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited service.
Geeky Cool– Star Wars in 3-D: Eager Anticipation or a Great Waste of Money? Geeky Cool is Larry Litle’s weekly column about his geektastic thoughts. Some time ago, George Lucas
Richard Alf, a co-founder of the San Diego Comic Con, passed away from pancreatic cancer at age 59. He was just diagnosis last month. He help innovate the whole Con phenomena. He fronted thousands
I just read a really interesting article over @ Bleeding Cool. It is How Liberalism May be Hurting Comic Book Sales by Darin Wagner. The premise of the article is that way
Happy Birthday Charles Addams! Today would have have been his 100th Birthday. Addams was a writer and cartoonist. Charles Addams was most known for his Addams Family cartoons. These were reoccurring characters in