Day one is in the books and here are my Pros and Cons from my time on the floor.
Pro: The floor staying open until 8:00 pm.
Con: The floor opening at 1:00 pm.
Pro: Being in the press means getting on the floor as #3 in line.
Con: The move to severely limit how many comics you can get signed.
Pro: Some artists still feel collectors aren’t getting those signatures just to make money.
Con: The move by some creators to only sign books for $$$.
Pro: The fun sessions talking about the creative process of comics.
Pro/Con: The fact that we have to have a session called: “Remembering Stan Lee”.
Pro: Jimmy Palmiotti’s stories and his dead-on impression of Stan Lee’s voice.
Pro: Finding out Amanda Conner “slept” with Stan Lee.
Pro: Chris Claremont’s stories about how he first met and worked with Stan Lee.
Con: Since the floor is open until 8pm, not leaving to eat until much later than a 50-year-old’s digestive tract can stand.
Pro: Eating at Arthur Bryant for the first time.
More to come soon!