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Ray Bradbury Passed Away

Ray Bradbury passed away on Tuesday Night.  Ray Bradbury was a giant in literature, television, and movies.  He was a pioneer on science fiction.  We take a moment to honor Mr bradbury and his great contribution. Below is a couple of paragraphs from the USA Today about Ray Bradbury.

Although slowed in recent years by a stroke that meant he had to use a wheelchair, Bradbury remained active into his 90s, turning out new novels, plays, screenplays and a volume of poetry. He wrote every day in the basement office of his Cheviot Hills home and appeared from time to time at bookstores, public library fundraisers and other literary events around Los Angeles.

His writings ranged from horror and mystery to humor and sympathetic stories about the Irish, blacks and Mexican-Americans. Bradbury also scripted John Huston’s 1956 film version of Moby Dick and wrote forThe Twilight Zone and other television programs, including The Ray Bradbury Theater, for which he adapted dozens of his works.  (USA Today)

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