According to NY Daily News, Rowdy Roddy Piper of wrestling fame has passed away. He was a wild and crazy wrestler back in the 80s with the nickname of Hot Rod. His geeky claim to fame came with the 80s Cult Classic Sci Fi film, They Live.
I love the movie, They Live. It is very cheesy but does make you think. It coined the phrase, “I am here to kick some _____ and chew some bubblegum … and I am all out of gum.” which was later used in Duke Nukem. This fun movie exposes how we are often happy to sit back and just live life without engaging in the deeper things.
In Rowdy’s honor I have posted a clip from They Live where Nada (Piper’s character) discovers the glasses that reveal what is really going on.
RIP Rowdy!
Stay Geeky My Friends!