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Roll 20 Acquires Demiplane

Roll 20 Acquires Demiplane

In an interesting move, the TTRPG site, Roll 20, has acquired the newcomer TTRPG site, Demiplane.  Roll 20 hit big about the same time as DND Beyond with COVID raging in 2020. Roll 20 is known for the great integration of its maps and Virtual Table Top.  However the character creation portion of the site has been lackluster compared to DND Beyond.

When DND Beyond was bought out by Wizards of the Coast, Adam Bradford, founder of  DND Beyond, joined friends Peter Romenesko and former Dallas Cowboy Center, Travis Frederick, at Demiplane.  Bradford brought a lot of experience and it shows from the updates on the character creation. Demiplane has a great system to play various TTRPGs including Critical Role’s Dagger Heart, Alien, Marvel Super-Heroes, Pathfinder, and is set to have Tales of the Valiant on their site.

This should ensure the long-lasting viability of both Roll 20 and Demiplane.  Combining they may have a site to surpass DND Beyond.

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