This last weekend was Rublecon in Springfield, MO. Geeky KOOL had three contributors at the convention. We each had a wonderful time talking to vendors and engaging in conversation with fellow geeks.
The crowd was mixed with geeks of various interests, sizes, ages, races, and both genders. Some of us came to check out the independent artists. Others may have shown up to look at the extensive amount of comic book back issues. Many gathered together to socialize with fellow geeks. For whatever reason brought people out, they appeared to be having a fantastic time.
Families flowed to and from the event. Fathers and mothers walked and talked with their kids. Teenagers fluttered around in this safe environment. This was a family event but not at the expense of a great time.
Rublecon is a small local convention. It might not have the big name entertainers of a San Diego Comic Con, but it was still a good time.
There were almost as many comic book vendors as I saw in Chicago at C2E2. There were also a few independent comic companies represented.
This convention might not have been packed with activity for three to four days, but it was a well worth my time and the small price of $5.00.
Stay Geeky My Friends!