Spoiler Free Review of Star Trek Fan Film “Minard”

Spoiler Free Review of Star Trek Fan Film “Minard”

So lately I have gotten to know some of the people who work in the creation of Fan Films. One of the best known communities of fan films is dedicated to the Sci Fi Classic Star Trek.

I was granted a sneak viewing of the new short film from the fan production Starship Valiant which is produced at Star Base Studios(located in Harrison, Arkansas). Many of the fine fan films in the trek universe are filmed here, as the studio is free for anyone to use.

Starship Valiant has just finished it’s latest short film entitled “Minard”. This is a roughly 7 minute short film that focuses on the character of Lt. Commander Erick Minard played by my friend(on facebook) Vance Major Owen. While the film has not been “officially” released on Youtube yet, I was given the opportunity to view it and write a spoiler free review.

In the space of 7 minutes, this fan film succeeds in doing something most major films fail to do, and that is convey an emotional story with out any surplus filler. from the first scene to the final frame, you understand exactly how much emotional depth is being shown…..and more importantly why it is being shown. If I had to pick a single word to describe this short film it would be “poignant”.

I spent a lot of time today trying to frame this review in such a way as to not give away any of the story( and had a very hard time doing so). There is so much I WANT to talk about, from the acting to the video FX to the story itself, but if I did I would be ruining the joy of seeing the film for the first time.

This film is a worthy addition to the fan film community that has kept Star Trek alive for so many years, and shows that fan films continue to boldly go where no one has gone before.

This short film is scheduled to be released on youtube this Saturday 8/5/17.

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