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Star Wars Spin Off Movies

Disney has announced more Star Wars movies. The Third Trilogy is a set to open in 2015.  Disney has decided to expand their plans even further.  They have announced plans to have additional spin off movies to tell individual stories.

The rumors have been swirling around the internet about these movies.  Yesterday, there was a rumor that Yoda would get his own movie to highlight his character. The rumors today are about a Han Solo movie and a Boba Fett movie.  All of these rumors are yet to be confirmed.

If the stories are well told and have a good plot, Star Wars fans will come out of the wood work and support as many movies as Disney can make. If Disney doesn’t put out a good product, the fans will see the movies but the novelty of it will fade and so will their cash cow.  If they do it correctly, Disney will be able to print their own money.

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