Google has taken another step towards linking the internet and your television set. They have launched their new Google’s Chromecast. It is a small device that plugs into your HDMI port on you television. It will allow you to stream from any Android and iOS devise.
Chromecast can stream from your Chrome Webpage. If the tab is open, then you can pull it to your television. If you want to watch news clips on your favorite news site, this will allow it on your TV. The Entertainment of the web will become full available on your television.
It already works with some of your apps on your devices. They have announced that Netflix, YouTube, Google Play Movies & TV, and Google Play Music all work with Chromecast now. Other apps like Pandora are coming soon.
In this process, Google has create the Google Cast SDK. Google Cast SDK uses developers to enable more technology and their apps. This will lead to most if not all apps being able to be used on your TV. I can’t wait to play Angry Bird Star Wars on my big screen. The goal of Google Cast is to bring easy multi device and screen experience anytime you want.
The Chromecast is but the first step for the Google Cast SDK. Google is in discussion to bring the technology into other devices. This would allow one to by pass the Chromecast on your television in the future.
Chromecast will use your phone, tablet, or laptop to control the remote. You can browse, chose content,control the volume, play, and pause from your devise. You will be able to multitask on that devise when using Chromecast, which is different from other TV Web solutions.
You can purchase Chrome Cast for $35 at these stores: Google Play; Amazon.com; and BestBuy.com. It will be in Best Buy stores next week. The $35 price tag is almost a third of Apple TV receiver and this will work will both Apple and Droid products.
I am excited about this technology. Apple and Roku have already been doing some of this. It appears that Google is aiming to take it to the next level. Being able to either Android, iOS, or any computer running Chrome will make this much more accessible to viewers than what Apple TV and Roku currently are.
Check out the Youtube video below for Chromecast.
Stay Geeky my Friends!