Superman and Wonder Woman started a romance earlier in the year. Apparently, there is not enough of the romance bleeding over into the Justice League books, the numerous Superman books, or Wonder Woman’s comic. In October, DC will have a book dedicated to the couple.
It is interesting that this book is called Superman/ Wonder Woman instead of Wonder Woman/ Superman or Super-Couple or anything else. Maybe it is simply that Superman is more popular than Wonder Woman so giving him top billing would make sense. Superman does have multiple successful titles. Wonder Woman only has one title and it is less successful.
But maybe the title has to do with the state of comic books. Female characters are not often viewed as a viable title characters. Wonder Woman is a top level hero that can hold her own against most of the boys but yet her comic lags behind others in sales. We know it is all about sales in today’s market.
It would have been KOOL to see Wonder Woman take the top billing over Superman. She is a powerful role model for our young ladies. What a great message about equality in comics and society if only it was called Wonder Woman/ Superman. But it is not.
It strikes me odd that DC has chosen to put out a relationship comic. Maybe they have KOOL adventures together like Superman and Batman in an unique way. But I can’t get past the idea of this being a super romance comic.
Maybe it will be a big seller. I am not a good judge of what will sell and what will not.
Good luck DC Comics.
(DC Comic)