Angelic Layer Manga-ka: CLAMP Translated by originally- Tokyopop in 2002, Dark Horse ominous release in 2012. Rating: 10+ First Published: 1999 Genre: Modern Sci-fi, near future, school life, mild
Tag: anime
My Favorite Zodiac/Main Characters From “Fruits Basket:”
“Fruits Basket” is one of my first animes and mangas from middle/high school and it is precious, teaching life lessons that stick in the depths of your heart forever. It
Meet My Favorite Manga-Ka: CLAMP:
In my early years of high school, I asked for these ‘Cardcaptor Sakura’ illustrated anime books I saw at Hastings (ah…who misses that place. Who remembers those?) However, my momma,
Author-to-Editor Interview: Morgan Straughan Comnick and Mandy Collins:
You may feel an author isolates themselves to work on their masterpieces, staying in their own little creative bubble. To a point, this can be true, but unless you are
My Anime/Animated Look-Alikes:
Creating characters is a core part of storytelling and gameplaying. It is indeed fun to be creative, and become someone you want to be. Yet, we want to feel we
Top Ten Favorite Non-Studio Ghibli Movies that Feature Love:
L is for the way you look at me. O is for the only one I see. And V and E? Well, those stand for ‘VERY EXTRA” because no matter
My Autograph Collection as of 2024:
Hello my beauties! ^-^ I think the title says it all and you guys are getting the first access to the video! 🙂 This is a look at ALL my
Morgan’s Monthly Manga Musings #1 (For January, 2024:)
Greetings fellow kool geeks! ^_^ I have a new segment I want to start as one of my posts on here each month. I love reading manga, but as I
Top Five Favorite Anime or Manga with Vampires (Halloween Post:)
The season of spooks, ghosts, and ghouls of every age, where the strange is worshipped during endless full moons with bat and cat companions. Halloween is here and I love
Pokemon My Husband Likes (His Birthday Special Post:)
My hubby turned 36 on the 5th of this month! ^_^ We both have a deep mutual love for Pokemon. For his special list this year for my partner in
Five Anime and/or Manga About Manga-ka/Authors:
I am an Otaku; hear me roar! =D In case you didn’t know or have been sleeping under a rock deeper than Patrick Star! LOL! So, when I see anime
Top 12 Favorite Purple Pokemon:
IT’S POKEMON POST MONTH FOR ME ON GEEKYKOOL! ^_^ This is my third July doing this. Pokemon has had a special place in my heart since I was ten, giving
My 2023 Jewelry Collection Video! =D
Konnichiwa, my dazzling peeps! About two years ago, I did a video tour of my jewelry dresser set-up. Everyone knows I love expressing myself through my clothes, sharing my spirit
Top 12 Characters/Franchises I NEED FUNKO Pops For:
All right my neato nerd and nerdettes! =D Everyone knows I’m a LOVER of FUNKO Pops! Guilty! Charge me! Moving on! 😉 I have over 300 now, but I really
Top 30 Mangas I Want to Become Anime:
We live in a grand time to be nerds. Comic book characters who have been gracing pages and inspiring readers for nerds for ages. And now, for the last two
“Couples” and Medias that Remind me of Val and Jeremey from my “The Hunter and The Bringer” Series:
Happy Valentine’s Day, readers and dreamers! Ah… love…I love love! I am a Disney and fairy tale girl, so I was destined to be a heartfelt, swooning lady. No disappointment
25 Animes that Need More Seasons:
When we love something, we don’t want it to end. Book series, TV shows, movie franchises, moments in time. Anime is no exception. Some animes either exceed their expiration for
My Nerd Chic Mini Backpack/Purses Collection:
A few years ago, my amazing publicist and dear friend, Sheenah, bought me a beautiful, magical, and sturdy mini backpack that was a stunning navy hue and had Aladdin designs
My Top 12 Anime I Have Watched This Year:
Those who know me or have seen me once are aware I like anime, this form of media from Japan fuels my soul with its color, creativity, boldness, styling, captivating
Interview with the Carolina Manga Library
How did the Manga Library get started? Manga Librarian: We’ve been in business for nine years, since 2013 at a small convention in Columbia, South Carolina called Nashicon. I was