“Bob’s Burger” is such an entertaining show with unique characters, lines that punch your funny bone, but can squeeze your heart as much as flipping his famous burgers. It is
Tag: christmas
Christmas Traditions I Want to Try (All Around the World)
I LOVE learning about different cultures and holidays! And Christmas is my favorite time of year. 🙂 I already instill several Christmas and winter holiday traditions into my life for
Top 10 Holiday New To Me Movies, Ranked:
I adore the holidays! The magic, the bonding, the wonder. How the media crafts new ideas to inspire and entertain using classics and traditions that are beloved and known. While
10 Things I Learned from my Mom:
Mothers are truly gifts. They give us life, take care of us, educate us, and help us gain memories. No matter what relationship you have with your mother, there is
Holiday Show Highlight: “Dash & Lily.”
Two years ago, my mom told me I needed to try this adorkable Netflix holiday show. Looking at the trailer, it seemed too “Serendipity;” a fun concept, but too crazy
Top Ten Favorite Muppet Movies:
“It’s time to play the music, it’s time to light the lights. It’s time to meet The Muppets.” MUPPET MAY, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! When I was a little girl, I adored
Christmas in Japan VS. America: Culture Lesson:
Ah. Christmas! The season of anticipating snow, seeing lush trees dressed in dazzling lights, and the sound of songs, laughter, and crinkling wrapping paper in the air. For many families
Secret Santa/White Elephant Gifts I’ve Got:
I must admit, when it comes to Christmas, I am a glittery little fairy of good cheer, jingle bells, and sugar cookie bliss! My momma raised me right! I love
Top Theatrical Versions of “The Nutcracker:”
Ah. One of my most beloved Christmas traditions and one so cherished by me since I first admired it at the tender age of seven is watching “The Nutcracker” at
Funnest Holiday Gifts for Cat Lovers
It is officially the season of festive lights, wrapping paper galore, and gingerbread wafting through the air. I also adore this time of year. One of my favorite things to