“Bob’s Burger” is such an entertaining show with unique characters, lines that punch your funny bone, but can squeeze your heart as much as flipping his famous burgers. It is
Tag: fall
My Top Ten Favorite Disney Movies (Updated List:)
It is my birthday month! ^_^ I am the queen! 😉 I appreciate all the love and support. <3 It is nice to feel like royalty, and of course, like
Morgan’s Monthly Manga Musings #10: “Her Majesty’s Dog:”
Morgan’s Monthly Manga Musings #10: “Her Majesty’s Dog:” Manga-ka: Mick Takeuchi Translated by: Go! Comi Rating: 16+ (for the graphic descriptions of death, especially in chapter 2.) Genre: Supernatural, spirits,
Morgan’s 12 Favorite “Harry Potter” Characters:
Halloween triggers thoughts of the spooky, the mysterious, and dressing up to be like you want. Magic also crosses my mind, so I thought the most magical school in modern
My Childhood Halloween Costumes:
There is something enchanting about dressing up at Halloween. All the memories we make of putting together the right costume, obtaining goodies and sorting them out later, having your parents
Morgan’s Monthly Manga Musings #9: “Dengeki Daisy:”
Morgan’s Monthly Manga Musings #9: “Dengeki Daisy:” Manga-ka: Kyousuke Motomi Translated by: Shojo Beat (through VIZ) Rating: 16+ (for mentions of drinking, love hotels, and some pervy comments, but there
Morgan’s Monthly Manga Musings #8: “Cat Massage Therapy.”
Morgan’s Monthly Manga Musings #8: “Cat Massage Therapy.” Manga-ka: Haru Hisakawa Translated by: Seven Seas Rating: PG (10+) Genre: Cats, Slice of Life, Cute, Refreshing Astosphere, Relaxing, Mini Episodes. Cover
My Amazing Experience at SEMO Con In Poplar Bluff 2024:
Ahoy lads and maidens! I had the honor of setting sail to my seventh SEMO Con in Poplar Bluff, MO, hosted at the Black River Coliseum. This show is full
Author-to-Editor Interview: Morgan Straughan Comnick and Mandy Collins:
You may feel an author isolates themselves to work on their masterpieces, staying in their own little creative bubble. To a point, this can be true, but unless you are
A-Z Poems: Some of my Favorite Foods!
Well, school is in full swing, friends! Time to get our brains back into gear! What better way to do this than by energizing with food and getting our minds
Five Anime and/or Manga About Manga-ka/Authors:
I am an Otaku; hear me roar! =D In case you didn’t know or have been sleeping under a rock deeper than Patrick Star! LOL! So, when I see anime
Top 10 Chain Restaurant Macaroni and Cheeses:
This post is to the heavenly food that sends my tongue into delight: mac and cheese! It’s my happy place and comfort food. ^-^ My girl and I, Julie, are
MY 10th BOOK, “Before and After: The Hunter and The Bringer Short Story Collection and Fan Book” is RELEASED! =D
It’s here, friends! It is finally HERE and I am trying not to be in a puddle of tears! The companion book to my new adult monster hunting series, “The