“Bob’s Burger” is such an entertaining show with unique characters, lines that punch your funny bone, but can squeeze your heart as much as flipping his famous burgers. It is
Tag: family
Christmas Traditions I Want to Try (All Around the World)
I LOVE learning about different cultures and holidays! And Christmas is my favorite time of year. 🙂 I already instill several Christmas and winter holiday traditions into my life for
My Amazing Experience at SEMO Con In Poplar Bluff 2024:
Ahoy lads and maidens! I had the honor of setting sail to my seventh SEMO Con in Poplar Bluff, MO, hosted at the Black River Coliseum. This show is full
My Top Ten Unique Favorite Board/Card Games:
Something my hubby and I love is unique, nerdy, colorful board and card games. We have introduced many of our friends, our families, and I my students to these wonderful
Meet our Kitty, Socks, for her 10th Birthday:
It is our 13th wedding anniversary! MAN, time flies! I always like to do a post to reflect things we enjoy and what could Derrick and I love more than
Top Ten Things My Dad Has Taught Me (Father’s Day Special:)
‘… I shall return,’ by General MacArthur- “My daddy was a high school and college American history teacher for 42 years! And I had him as my teacher twice!
10 Things I Learned from my Mom:
Mothers are truly gifts. They give us life, take care of us, educate us, and help us gain memories. No matter what relationship you have with your mother, there is
Top Ten Favorite “Teen Titans (original)” Episodes:
Teen Titans, let’s go! One of the greatest Cartoon Network shows ever to be made! With one of my favorite DC heroes (I even cosplay as Starfire.) The colorful animation,
Top Otaku Girls Club Manga/Borrowed from Others Manga I Read:
For two years this month, I have been meeting with a gaggle of wonderful girls and fellow Otaku. Once a month, we get together to watch anime, read a monthly
Top Five Parents in Movies:
Movies are an escape from reality, but also reflect it. It helps us understand what we have never gone through, but also connects to aspects in our life that we