“Bob’s Burger” is such an entertaining show with unique characters, lines that punch your funny bone, but can squeeze your heart as much as flipping his famous burgers. It is
Tag: Halloween
Morgan’s 12 Favorite “Harry Potter” Characters:
Halloween triggers thoughts of the spooky, the mysterious, and dressing up to be like you want. Magic also crosses my mind, so I thought the most magical school in modern
My Childhood Halloween Costumes:
There is something enchanting about dressing up at Halloween. All the memories we make of putting together the right costume, obtaining goodies and sorting them out later, having your parents
Top Five Favorite Anime or Manga with Vampires (Halloween Post:)
The season of spooks, ghosts, and ghouls of every age, where the strange is worshipped during endless full moons with bat and cat companions. Halloween is here and I love
20 Future Cosplay Ideas For Me I’m Interested In?
Happy Almost Halloween, my spooky darlings! I hope it’s as scary, sweet, or pumpkiny as you want! ^+^ One of the key and the best parts of this holiday is
My Top Ten Favorite Halloween Movies/Specials:
Ah, spooky season. The wind is chilled and you can feel the magic circling around you. This time of year always brings out the giddy me. Colorful costumes, monsters are
5 Books To Make Your Halloween A Scream
Full Disclosure: I was strongly encouraged by my fellow writers at Geekykool to add my own books to this list. When The Ferris Wheel Lights Are Dead By Ashley
Elvira Mistress of the Dark teams up with Scooby Doo for Halloween movie
Fall 2020, will have a new Scooby-Doo animated feature that will be heading to digital and dvd release. The Scooby Doo gang will have a Halloween movie mystery in Happy