The day of love is here! ^_^ Cartoons are such an inspiration, so why not in romance as well? I have made lists of my favorite couples for my favorite
Tag: love
Meet our Kitty, Socks, for her 10th Birthday:
It is our 13th wedding anniversary! MAN, time flies! I always like to do a post to reflect things we enjoy and what could Derrick and I love more than
Top Ten Favorite Non-Studio Ghibli Movies that Feature Love:
L is for the way you look at me. O is for the only one I see. And V and E? Well, those stand for ‘VERY EXTRA” because no matter
Pokemon My Husband Likes (His Birthday Special Post:)
My hubby turned 36 on the 5th of this month! ^_^ We both have a deep mutual love for Pokemon. For his special list this year for my partner in
Top Ten Things My Dad Has Taught Me (Father’s Day Special:)
‘… I shall return,’ by General MacArthur- “My daddy was a high school and college American history teacher for 42 years! And I had him as my teacher twice!
Acrostic Poem Things my Hubby Loves (for our 12th wedding Anniversary)
You have been a part of my life for over half of my years. You make me ponder and think from different angles. You make me smile, laugh, fret, confused,
10 Things I Learned from my Mom:
Mothers are truly gifts. They give us life, take care of us, educate us, and help us gain memories. No matter what relationship you have with your mother, there is
“Couples” and Medias that Remind me of Val and Jeremey from my “The Hunter and The Bringer” Series:
Happy Valentine’s Day, readers and dreamers! Ah… love…I love love! I am a Disney and fairy tale girl, so I was destined to be a heartfelt, swooning lady. No disappointment
Top Ten Favorite Face Mask Scents:
I just admit, although I love dresses and purses, cute decors, necklaces, and playing with my hair, I never got into some aspects of being a ‘girly-girl:’ no make-up, piercings,
Valentine’s Day and White Day in Japan VS. United States: Culture Lesson:
Valentine’s Day. A day inspired by a man who married people in love in secret, losing his life for the cause. A romantic beginning, huh? Yet, I am blessed for
Top Ten Wedding Dresses in Animated Films (for my anniversary):
GUYS! It’s here! On the 18th, it will be TEN YEARS since I married the love of my life, my angel sent down just for me. Derrick and I have
Love Triangles Where the Girl Has Two Great Choices:
Ah. Valentine’s Day! A Day of love, romance, confessions, and symbols of passion. Deep down, we all yearn for a true love, but what we love even MORE in our