Ah! Jeremey Darington! It is hard for me to imagine that this man came from my brain! LOL! But, man, I am glad he is here. His remarks, confidence, oozing
Tag: romance
Top 30 Mangas I Want to Become Anime:
We live in a grand time to be nerds. Comic book characters who have been gracing pages and inspiring readers for nerds for ages. And now, for the last two
“Couples” and Medias that Remind me of Val and Jeremey from my “The Hunter and The Bringer” Series:
Happy Valentine’s Day, readers and dreamers! Ah… love…I love love! I am a Disney and fairy tale girl, so I was destined to be a heartfelt, swooning lady. No disappointment
My Top 12 Anime I Have Watched This Year:
Those who know me or have seen me once are aware I like anime, this form of media from Japan fuels my soul with its color, creativity, boldness, styling, captivating
Holiday Show Highlight: “Dash & Lily.”
Two years ago, my mom told me I needed to try this adorkable Netflix holiday show. Looking at the trailer, it seemed too “Serendipity;” a fun concept, but too crazy
Hi, there stars and wanderers! The holiday season is here! A time of crazy and whimsy, chilly winds and warm hope, rushing and savoring. ^-^ And what better gift for
Top 20 The Most Beautiful Manga Covers I’ve Read (To Me:)
Manga has been a key cornerstone of my life since early high school. I asked for “Cardcaptor Sakura” books they made to go with the English dub on WB (I
Valentine’s Day and White Day in Japan VS. United States: Culture Lesson:
Valentine’s Day. A day inspired by a man who married people in love in secret, losing his life for the cause. A romantic beginning, huh? Yet, I am blessed for
My Audiobook version of “Spirit Vision” is HERE!
Oh, my shining goodness, dearest friends! It is FINALLY here! 😀 The first book I ever wrote, my young adult paranormal/mystery/romance, “Spirit Vision,” now has its AUDIOBOOK version OUT FOR
Top Ten Wedding Dresses in Animated Films (for my anniversary):
GUYS! It’s here! On the 18th, it will be TEN YEARS since I married the love of my life, my angel sent down just for me. Derrick and I have
Top Ten Best English Translated Mangas by Shojo Beat:
Manga! Essentially a Japanese graphic novel, but so much more! Gripping stories. Stunning artwork. Characters you can bond with. A journey that grabs at your soul more than any other
Love Triangles Where the Girl Has Two Great Choices:
Ah. Valentine’s Day! A Day of love, romance, confessions, and symbols of passion. Deep down, we all yearn for a true love, but what we love even MORE in our