The day of love is here! ^_^ Cartoons are such an inspiration, so why not in romance as well? I have made lists of my favorite couples for my favorite
Tag: top ten list
My Top Five Favorite New Mangas I Read This Year:
I received my first manga, my still favorite, ‘Cardcaptor Sakura,’ on Christmas when I was in middle school. This gift changed my life for the better, opening my mind to
My Top Ten Favorite Disney Movies (Updated List:)
It is my birthday month! ^_^ I am the queen! 😉 I appreciate all the love and support. <3 It is nice to feel like royalty, and of course, like
My Top Ten Unique Favorite Board/Card Games:
Something my hubby and I love is unique, nerdy, colorful board and card games. We have introduced many of our friends, our families, and I my students to these wonderful
My Top Ten Most Watched YouTube Channels:
YouTube has been ingrained into our society since 2005. Hard to recall a time without it honestly. Lol! Although I have a good amount of channels I’m subscribed to, these
Top 12 Gigantamax Forms Based on Design:
Our last post for Pokémon Month on GeekyKool 2024. 🙂 Another Pokémon gimmick that appeared in generation 8, Sword and Shield, was called gigantamax. The fields in the Galar region
My Favorite Gym Leaders/Elite Four/Champion for Each Type:
Pokémon Month 2024 post 2 is here! Pokémon are categorized by their type(s,) being elemental or what they can control around them or their anatomical attributes (what they physically are
Top 10 Pokemon Regional Variants Forms:
It’s July so that means Pokemon Month for Morgan on GeekyKool has begun! ^_^ Pokémon has been a beloved franchise to me and millions of others for over 25 years
My Top 12 Shows I Can Always Watch:
Everyone has comfort movies or shows, media they can always watch that makes them smile, laugh, touch our soul, and makes us feel good after a bad day or rough
My Top Ten Favorite Jim Cumming Voice Over Roles:
Jim Cummings. Disney royalty. Voice acting legend. For the last almost 40 years, he has made a multitude of cartoon characters come alive for generations, making them forever live in
Top Ten Favorite Non-Studio Ghibli Movies that Feature Love:
L is for the way you look at me. O is for the only one I see. And V and E? Well, those stand for ‘VERY EXTRA” because no matter
Top Five Favorite Anime or Manga with Vampires (Halloween Post:)
The season of spooks, ghosts, and ghouls of every age, where the strange is worshipped during endless full moons with bat and cat companions. Halloween is here and I love
Pokemon My Husband Likes (His Birthday Special Post:)
My hubby turned 36 on the 5th of this month! ^_^ We both have a deep mutual love for Pokemon. For his special list this year for my partner in
Top Power Rangers Songs (30th Anniversary special:)
“No one can ever take them down. The power lives on their side…GO, GO POWER RANGERS!” Oh, my anthem, my heroes, my inspiration to be a good soul from age
Five Anime and/or Manga About Manga-ka/Authors:
I am an Otaku; hear me roar! =D In case you didn’t know or have been sleeping under a rock deeper than Patrick Star! LOL! So, when I see anime
My Top 15 Magical Girls Series (mangas and animes combined:)
Ah. This is my heart and soul, what got me hooked on anime and my introduction to manga. Magical Girls! It all started in 7th grade, with Cardcaptor Sakura (which
Top Five Parents in Movies:
Movies are an escape from reality, but also reflect it. It helps us understand what we have never gone through, but also connects to aspects in our life that we
Top TEN Best Manga by Arina Tanemura:
Last month, I did some top tens over my favorite manga series, categorized by English translation companies. So I thought I would highlight my favorite manga artist on this post