Over the weekend, Justin Bieber posted this image on his Twitter account and his Instagram account. It had a hastag of “Robin?”. Bieber has also posted that he would be doing something for the comedy Youtube channel, FunnyOrDie.com.
It appears that this image was a ruse by Bieber. It might have been a way to promote his appearance on Funny Or Die. It could have been a cry for attention and he did get a ton of attention because of it. Maybe Ben Affleck paid him to get the internet spotlight off of Affleck’s role as Batman. Who knows why Justin pulled this prank but for a few minutes, it has the masses really worried.
As soon as I saw this, I knew that it was fake. I had figured it was a Photo Shopped picture of Justin Bieber. I was wrong about what was fake. The picture is real but the script is fake. If you look carefully at the script, you can tell it doesn’t look quite right and not just because it has Bieber’s name on it.
Stay Geeky My Friends!