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“The Empire Strikes Back” Voted Greatest Movie Ever


Empire (fitting name isn’t it) Magazine and Online has taken a readers poll to determine the 301st greatest movies ever.  The poll has Hundreds of Thousands of respondents.  The readers of Empire have voted Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back to be the greatest movie EVER!

This is exciting news.  The Empire Strikes Back is many Star Wars Fans favorite movie. This film has awesome special effects. We see a new Jedi and he is short, wrinkled and green. We watch Luke grow up and learn to use his abilities.  We have great scenes with Princess Leia and Han Solo bickering with some of the best quotable lines ever. Boba Fett plays a keep role (Boba Fett is so KOOOOOL). We learn about Darth Vader’s relationship with the Emperor and with Luke. And lets not forget the totally awesome AT ATs on Hoth.  This movie to completely Geeky KOOL.

When I was a kid, I loved Empire all the way up to the ending.  I hated the cliffhanging ending and not knowing what would happen to Han Solo.  I always had mixed feeling about the movie because I hated waiting 3 years to find out what happened. But over time, I have come to agree that Empire is the greatest of the Star Wars films and definitely one of the greatest movies ever.

Here is the top 12 movies according to this poll. Check out how many are geek movies.  I am counting eight of the top twelve as geek movies.  It is incredible how geek movies are seen as as the greatest movies.  We would not have seen this back in the 80s. Granted there is still a bunch of bad sci fi movies out there (Sharknado anyone)

1) Empire Strikes Back
2) The Godfather
3) The Dark Knight
4) The Shawshank Redemption
5) Pulp Fiction
6) Star Wars (Episode IV- A New Hope)
7) The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
8) Jaws
9) Raiders of the Lost Ark
10) Inception
11) Blade Runner
12) The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

Stay Geeky My Friends!

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