Vance Major, the “Where’s Waldo” of fan films, is getting ready to release his VERY LAST Fan Film. This doesn’t mean you won’t see the character of Minard pop up from time to time, it simply means that Vance won’t be releasing any other fan films after this last one comes out on August 28th. I got to see a sneak preview of the film, and just like EVERY other film he has released, this one is topical and well constructed. With everything going on in the real world, Minard has crafted a poignant “goodbye letter”. Plenty of friends helped out with this film, and some even make appearances to say their goodbyes to Erik Minard.
While this closes the door on one chapter of Vance’s life, the end of the film, proves there are “always possibilities” and moving forward. I for one will miss Vance making movies as he has been a rather constant member of the community at large. Making 150 fan films, is an incredible accomplishment, and one that Vance can be proud of. He has included so many people he calls friends in his films, and even got to bring his son, Royce into the realm, enabling them both to share in that love letter.
The final film is called “Some of Us Stand on Our Own….Together”. It will be released on August 28, 2022. Thanks for all the memories Vance, take your break, you certainly deserve it.