This movie was originally filmed in Late 2022, However after it was Premiered in March 2023, It underwent extensive reshoots, taking it from a psychological thriller, that focused on Rico’s (played by Chiko Mendez), mental health struggles, into more of a straight forward horror film. The film stars the aformentioned Chiko Mendez as Rico, Edward Furlong as Billy, Dee Wallace as Angela, and in her return to the big screen, Shelley Duvall as Mama.
Even with the reshoots, a lot of the original movie is still there. We still get to watch Rico go through various stages of mental illness and stress. But now the violence has been upped to show more of the damage that Rico does to other people. Also Shelley Duvall’s role in the film is greatly expanded, which allows her to have a greater impact on the movie both in the present day, and in the past. Watching Shelley in this movie is a treat, even after 20 years away from Hollywood, she still has the ability to command the screen.
This movie was directed by Scott Goldberg, Produced by Elliot Dreznick, Cinematography was done by Scott Hansen, who runs Digital Thunderdome studios in Georgia. It was originally premiered on March 11, 2023 at Smodcastle Cinemas(Kevin Smith’s Theater in Atlantic Highlands, NJ) to a packed theater.
The Reboots add a level of horror to the film, however a lot of the psychological structure of the film is still intact. Chiko Mendez does an outstanding job as Rico, as does the rest of the cast. you can tell a lot of “fun” and care about the story was evident based on the final edit of this film. This is definitely a movie to catch for the horror fan.
3 out of 4 stars
Right now you can watch The Forrest Hills for free on Tubi(there will be ads), or you can rent or purchase it on Vudu, Amazon Prime, Fandango at home, Google Play Movies and Youtube.