The fine folks at the Estately Blog have used Facebook to determine the most and the least nerdy (or geeky) states in the Union. The U.S. is very diverse in it’s rankings for different geeky (or nerdy) interests. They used 12 different geek interests and ranked each state from 1 to 51 (including D.C.). The rankings used Facebook’s listed interests.
This is not a psychological, sociological, or otherwise scientific study. The method of gathering the data isn’t greatly reliable. Estately Blog didn’t take into account states that may have a higher percentage of non-Facebook users. The user would have to check those as interests and this is more of a common practice in some regions than others.
But the eyeball test makes me feel pretty comfortable in the overall results of these rankings. There are definitely places in this country where it is very accepted to be a nerd or geek. There are other areas where it isn’t as acceptable. I would say the map above is fairly accurate but I am not convinced the specifics below are to be fully trusted. (Via Estately Blog and I09)

Stay Geeky My Friends!