Here at Geeky KOOL, we have been talking about the upcoming Marvel’s Secret Wars for a while. Today, Marvel had a live videocast talking about Secret Wars. I didn’t expect to really learn anything new. I expected a cheer-leading session in an attempt to pump up the fans. Wow! I was so wrong.
In the below video, Marvel has lined up what the Secret Wars will be. It is the end of the Marvel (616) and Ultimate Universe. All of the different universes are being destroyed and merged together. In the end, there will only be the “Battle World” where different characters from the different universes live.
Right when Marvel is at extreme popularity, they are going and changing things up. From the video, it looks like there is no going back. This will be the New Marvel Universe. This miniseries is the how we get to the New Marvel universe.
It does sound a lot like the original Crisis on Infinite Earths by DC Comics back in 1985 but the details will be very different. But that might just be the beginning. It will be a type of reboot for Marvel but they will never say that because all of the history of the Characters remain.
I am not sure we can really call Marvel “The House of Ideas” any longer. I give Marvel an A for risk taking and a C for originality with this. I gave the the “C” because the concept of Battle World is a new approach to their merging of worlds
I was honestly hoping for a little 1985 nostalgia with the Secret Wars and the return of the Beyonder but really didn’t think it would be a retelling of 1985’s Crisis. After the mixed bag and reactions of the DC fans to the New 52, it is hard to see why Marvel would want to emulate that.
On the other hand, I am kind of excited to see what they will do. I will break my promise to never read another crossover and I will read this one. I am very intrigued with the new Spidey comic with Peter, Mary Jane, and little Mayday Parker.
Will this work or will fans hate it? Probably some of both. But it is very interesting. I am sure this will spawn numerous articles on Geeky KOOL.
For those that haven’t seen it, below is the video from the Live Videocast earlier in the day.
Stay Geeky My Friends!