This is a re-post from last year but I felt that it is a great list and wanted to re-share it.
Here is a my list of favorite Christmas specials. These are television one shot videos. Some are live action, some are claymation, and some are animated. A good portion of these specials were created by the Christmas Special Masters of Rankin-Bass.
Top Ten Christmas Movies

10) Olive the Other Reindeer
Olive the dog misunderstand one the lines in the song, “Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer”. She thinks “All of the other reindeers” is actually “Olive the Other Reindeer.” She sets out on a mission to save Christmas because Blitzen is injured and Santa can’t make the trip without him. This is a comical special where the Mailman is trying to sabotage Christmas so he won’t have some many letters to deliver. The lovely Drew Barrymore performs Olive’s voice.

9)Frosty’s Winter Wonderland
This special is often forgotten. This is the original sequel to Frosty the Snowman. Frosty returns to the kids from the first movie. The kids make him a snow wife since Frosty is lonely. Jack Frost is jealous of Frosty and causes issues for Frosty and Crystal, the Snow Wife. This special was superior in every way to Frosty Returns.

8) Little Drummer Boy
Rum pum pum pum. A boy’s family is killed by Roman Soldiers. He swears off people and only talks to his animal friends and plays his drum. After a run in with the Three Wise Men on their journey to see the Messiah, his sheep, Babba, is injured. He attempts to get the Wise Men to heal the lamb but they don’t have the ability. But the new born King might.

7) How the Grinch Stole Christmas
He is a mean one, Mr Grinch! The Grinch hates Christmas and the Whos in Whoville. He has a heart 2 sizes too small. He sneaks into Whoville to steal all the presents, decorations, and food in an attempt to stop Christmas. He discovers that the people of Whoville celebrate and rejoice in Christmas without all of that stuff. This causes his heart to grow three times its size.

6) Santa Claus is Coming to Town
This special from 1970 explains where Santa Claus came from while trying to answer questions from children on Santa and why and how does what he does. It has the great villain Burgermeister Meisterburger who hates toys. Fred Astaire is the narrator and sings the classic song of Santa Claus is Coming to Town.

5) Star Wars Holiday Special
One had to know if a Christmas Special list appeared on Geeky KOOL, then the Star Wars Holiday Special would make this list. This Holiday Special is so bad that it is sort of good. It only aired once in 1978 and Lucas would never allow it to be seen again. The animated short introduced us to Bobba Fett for the first time. We learned a lot about Wookies and some things that we wish we hadn’t learned. Plus Princess Leia sings.

4) Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer
Rudolph is a great Christmas special. It not only tells about reindeers and their relationship with Santa but it also tells us about life. We learn that being a misfit or unique is not a bad thing but rather makes you special. We learn that running away never solves any issues. We also learned that Bumbles are not mean without their teeth and they bounce.

3) The Year Without Santa Claus
Santa Claus is sick and believes that the kids of the world don’t appreciate him. He is inclined to call off his annual sleigh ride. Two elves with the help of Mrs. Claus set out to prove Santa wrong. They meet up with two uncooperative brothers, Heat Miser and Cold Miser (Cold Miser is one of my favorite Christmas characters of all time- “I’m Mister White Christmas, I’m Mister Snow…”) When Mrs Claus brings in Mother Nature to tame her sons down, Christmas is saved.

2) Charlie Brown Christmas
I have a great fondness and even love for the whole Peanuts gang. I used to read the strips daily in the paper when I was younger. There is just something awesome and pure about this movie. I always laugh and smile my way through this special. There is something great about how Charlie Brown tries to buck the commercialism of Christmas in 1965- something we could all learn in 2012. His optimism about a little tree still warms my heart today. I love how they weave the religious aspects of Christmas into the story.

1) Frosty the Snowman
Number one on my list is the original Frosty. It may not offer the insights on humanity that Rudolph or the real meaning of Christmas of Charlie Brown, or even the Snow Miser but it is my favorite. There is something pure and innocence that takes me right back to my early childhood. I just love Professor Hinkle, his bad magic trick, and how he attempts to get his hat back through the whole movie.