In less than 30 minutes, the calendar with flip form Sunday November 10th to Monday November 11th, and once again our great nation will celebrate “Veterans Day”. Originally known as “Armistice Day” to celebrate the end of World War 1, Congress designated this day as a legal holiday in 1938. Unfortunately, just 3 years later the US would enter an even larger conflict, World War 2. In 1954, President Dwight D Eisenhower, who served in WW2 as the Allies Supreme Commander in the European Theater, signed into law a bill that amended “Armistice Day” into Veterans Day, to honor all those who served.
President Eisenhower said “Let us solemnly remember the sacrifices of al those who fought so valiantly, on the seas, in the air, and on foreign shores, to preserve our heritage of freedom, and let us reconsecrate ourselves to the task of promoting and enduring peace so that their efforts shall not have been in vain”.
Of course we know as a nation that Peace has been a fleeting thing since 1954, even today, wars are raging in various nations around the world. Does this mean that the sacrifices are meaningless? why should we celebrate, people who fought for peace, when we can’t keep the peace?
As a combat veteran, who served this nation in the US Navy for 10 years(1984-1993), and saw my share of wars, both declared and undeclared, what does Veterans Day mean to me?

Veterans Day is the day that I remember the service of those I served with, and all those who came before me, and all those who served after me. I think of the battles we fought, and the towns we visited, the schools and houses we repaired, visits to the wonders of the world in places like Italy and Israel. I remember the good times and bad, the birthdays and weddings we all missed. I think of all those we willingly left behind, as we ventured out on ship, Air or land, in order to protect our loved ones.

While getting “deals” seems to be the main thing Veterans Day is now remembered for, In plenty of places, Parades are still being held, Veterans are still going to work, or they are in Hospitals all over the nation as they deal with injuries that are Service Connected or not. They are hugging their families, and their pets, and enjoying the day off.
Remember when you go and thank a Veteran tomorrow, do it with the knowledge that they were willing to defend something greater than they were, at a time when they knew others would do the same.
Happy Veterans Day to everyone who served, and to those that thank us for that service, You are welcome
Jon Tessler