Here is another great comic highlighting the stupidity of the Fake Geek Girl belief. Girls can and do like all sorts of geeky things. Some girls are into comics, some into gaming, some into video games, and much, much more. Anything I like, I know females that enjoy the same geeky interests.
We were all newbies to different geeky interests at some point in our lives. We shouldn’t expect someone to have the same knowledge and interest level that I may have. Instead of giving a “test” to see if a girl is a true geek girl, I try to welcome all people to my interests (comics, sci fi, fantasy, steam punk, and ect). After all, someone welcomed me and helped me develop my interests. It is common decency.
Treating girls like a leper because she wants to get into Hero Clicks or comic is purely ignorant.
Check out more from John Kovalic and his geeky kool web comic, Dork Tower. It is great comic for all geek, no matter your gender.
Stay Geeky My Friends!