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What Type of Dungeons and Dragons Player are You?

What Type of Dungeons and Dragons Player are You?

The 2024 Dungeon Master’s Guide has a list of 8 varied player types.  Below is a great video from Ginny Di discussing the 8 different types.  As she points out, most players are a combination of different types.  Knowing your type can help you know what you want from the game.  You can also figure out what type your companions are. This can help you understand why they may act the way they do.

As a Dungeon Master (or Dungeon Mistress), open discussions with players on their type can help you figure out what kind of campaign will work best or if there are members of your group that just won’t work out.  Sometimes it won’t work because Midmaxer may not work well with the instigator.   Sometimes the DM cannot handle certain types of players at their table.

It is a helpful tool to help players and DMs both.

By the way, I am the Actor and Story Teller but as a player and as a DM.

Stay Geeky!

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