I am a Star Wars Fanboy. I have been since the first moment I saw the Imperial Star Destroyer sweep over the screen to capture the Corellian Corvette in the original Star Wars movie. Star Wars completed my training into geekdom.
Star Wars become the focus of my play as a child. When my family got their first VHS player, I rented the Trilogy over and over again and wore out the VCR and the movies. In the 90s, I became addicted to the Star Wars novels when I read Heir to the Empire. I love Star Wars.
The original Trilogy is a masterpiece in my mind. I love each movie. I don’t love the Ewoks but still love Return of the Jedi. The Prequels weren’t the same but still enjoyed watching them and returning to the universe of Jedi, Dark Lords, and fun space battles. Last year, I feel back in love with Star Wars with The Force Awakens. When I viewed the trailer for Rogue One, I squealed a little bit. This looks really KOOL to me.
Not all fans shared my enthusiasm for Rogue One. Some of the fans are upset that there will be another Star Wars movie with a female main character. Even though Fen shared much of the limelight with Rey in The Force Awakens, these fans cannot deal with another female major character in a Star Wars movie.
There is little doubt that Rogue One will focus on Felicity Jones’ character, Jyn Erso. Jyn is a rebel going under cover to infiltrated the original Death Star. It sounds like a really fun adventure. The trailer has the full Star Wars feel to it. Yes, Jyn is the lead character. She looks like an interesting and complete lead character. Who cares if she is a male or female as long as her character and the plot of the movie are awesome?
To my fellow fans who are upset about Jyn being the main character of Rogue One, I have this to say, GET OVER IT! Stop being idiots and jerks. There is no reason to Tweet how you think Felicity Jones is anorexic or that the Han Solo will be played by a girl. Stop the non-sense! SIT DOWN and SHUT UP! You set a bad light on Star Wars fans. Stop judging a movie by the gender of the main character. Judge it if it is well written or not. Judge it based on the effects. Judge it on the acting. But gender of the main character shouldn’t matter.
Some of you forgot the role of Princess Leia in the original Star Wars (A New Hope). She had a huge role in it. She was the focus of much of the movie. If it wasn’t for her, they would have never escaped the Death Star. She killed many more Stormtrooper than Han, Luke, or Chewy. Princess Leia even held out to the torture of Darth Vader with his torture droid. She rocked Star Wars. I believe Jyn will similarly rock Rogue One.
My fellow fanboys and girls have the right to their opinions. They can freely express their opinion and many did. I believe those crazy opinions I read were sexiest non-sense and I am freely expressing my disdain for their opinions.
Stay Geeky My Friends!