According to an Imgur post, the below note came home with a school girl. She is in violation of the school dress code. The dress code states a student cannot bring any “violent” images to school. According to the below letter, this Wonder Woman lunchbox transgresses the dress code.
I have seen this story all over the place. At first, I was unsure of the validity of the article and/or if it was a fake news article. It appears to be a real story.
The idea of this lunch box being a violent image is ludicrous. The images on this lunch box doesn’t show Wonder Woman being violent at all. A close up of her face is on own side. The other side of the lunch box shows her running with her magic lasso. Nothing violent about it.
The school has defined a violent character as one who solve problems using violence. Superheroes do often use violence to solve problems like kidnappings, bank robberies, terrorist attacks, and other bad guy stuff. If images of superheroes even in non-violent roles violate the dress code, then any image of a police officer or military solider would violate it.
Are there any kids lunch boxes that would be acceptable? Many lunch boxes have cartoon characters and most cartoon characters would be considered violent. You better not bring a Bugs Bunny lunchbox because he uses violence all the time.
Wonder Woman is a role model character for girls. She stands up for Women’s rights. She focuses on truth and justice for everyone. These ideals are overshadowed because she might have to punch a bad guy to stop them from harming the innocent.
Well done local school board. Way to address the great evil of a little girl’s Wonder Woman lunchbox!
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