According to the Hollywood Reporter, we may still get a Wonder Woman television series. “Amazon” would likely focus on a young Diana. Common thought is that Amazon would focus on developing Diana before she dons the classic outfit. This would be similar to CW’s Smallville series.
“Amazon” was thought to be a dead series just two weeks ago but it now has a new writer. It is receiving a whole new re-write and change. The CW is expected to examine it for a mid season pick up for next year.
It would be really KOOL to watch a new Wonder Woman series. I have soured on the whole Smallville series since its finale. Smallville would have great build up but then fall flat on the season finales including the terrible series finale. I am not crazy about Arrow but still watch it despite my distaste for it. But a Wonder Woman series done properly would be fantastic. I would love to see a KOOL interpretation of life on Paradise Island (aka Themyscira).
It would seem that DC is under some pressure to put out something great. With the anticipation of Marvel’s Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., one has to believe DC would like something to match this anticipation. I am not sure if even Wonder Woman could match Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D but you would definitely have numerous geeks attention with a series of Amazon women.
On a similar line of thinking, why isn’t the old 70s Wonder Woman series available for download on Netflix? I loved Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman. The first season, when it was set in World War II, was my favorite as a jud. It couldn’t be that costly to have this older series available for my downloading pleasure. Why can’t I have a little invisible plane fun?