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X-Men Apocalypse Images

Image via EW.com
Image via EW.com

The EW has a ton of great images for X-Men: Apocalypse.

Image via EW.com
Image via EW.com

This new X-Men movie will be taking place in the 80s.  It is a sequel to X-Men: Days of Future Past.

Image via EW.com
Image via EW.com

Apocalypse is the big bad guy in this movie.

Image via EW.com
Image via EW.com

Above is a great image of director Bryan Singer in action.


We don’t usually get to see Magneto in civilian clothes.  The above image is interesting.  I am curious what the story is around it.

Image via EW.com
Image via EW.com

“Hey didn’t you die in Age of Ultron?”~ Mystique
“No that would be in the future and it is in an alternative reality.” ~ Quicksilver

Image via EW.com
Image via EW.com

It is the 80s!  Storm has a Mohawk!  All is right with the X-Men.

Image via EW.com
Image via EW.com

Above is a young Nightcrawler.  Nightcrawler has always been one of my favorite characters.


I completely approve of Sophia Turner as Marvel Girl/ Jean Grey.  Please tell me they will call her Marvel Girl at some time.  Also please tell me that the Phoenix Force isn’t a convoluted part of her blocked off brain.

Image via EW.com
Image via EW.com

Mohawk Storm is the best part of the 80s X-Men.  Jubilee may be the worst part of the 80s X-Men. I do approve of her outfit.  It looks like the Jubilee of the comics and 90s cartoon.

Image via EW.com
Image via EW.com

A young Scott Summers aka Cyclops is above.  Maybe if we let him glimpse what he will become then he will never become the X-Men that killed Professor X (in the comics).  Nah! That would never work.

(Via EW.com, EW.com, & EW.com)

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